Poems: August 10, 2020

 I hate writing the date like it is in the title. I understand that it feels more readable in the US, but I don't like it. 

Reminiscence of the Tempyō Era by Fujishima Takeji. Another gem from wikipedia's homepage.

2020-08-10: Date

August 10, 2020 was from my young years

though, today, the comma brings me to tears

10aug2020 suffixed documents to an advisor

And I believe left me the wiser

10 Aug 2020 is what I learned in Europe

And feels as secure as a saddle stirrup

20200810 prefixed work to an old boss

though this left me at a loss

20200810 as a suffix felt quite techy

however, ended up being messy

2020-08-10 is, in fact, the way of the computer

And on this format, I shall rest, a weary commuter

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